Serving is one of the best ways to find a sense of belonging within your local church.

Serving at Westtown Church impacts our guests & the surrounding community in immeasurable ways

At Westtown Church, we believe that serving God and others is central to discovering your purpose, pursuing Christ and becoming a part of what God’s doing in the life of His church and the surrounding community.

Whether you are interested in working with children or youth, greeting guests, brewing coffee, or designing creative sets, there are a variety of volunteer teams that will help you connect, here at Westtown Church.

When you smile at a visitor, take out the trash, or paint a child’s face–you are taking Jesus to the world. Each volunteer who serves, plays a vital role in creating opportunities for lives to be changed, and hearts to be transformed for God’s glory.

Ready To Serve At Westtown?

Serving Opportunities

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Ready To Serve At Westtown?

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