Summer Of Prayer2024-08-02T07:40:13-04:00

Let’s pray for Westtown this summer, together.

Let’s pray for Westtown this summer, together.

Will you join the Session and Cory Colravy, as our new Senior Pastor, for this Season of Prayer and Fasting throughout the Summer of 2024 for Westtown Church and the work of pastoral ministry here?

  • Commit to 10-20 minutes a day to seek God’s face.

  • Commit to lifting up the people, leaders, staff, and ministry of Westtown Church.

  • Ask for God’s blessing upon our new Pastor, Cory Colravy, and his family as he comes to serve as our next Senior Pastor.

  • Pray for Westtown to be: a PCA Church (June), a Local Church (July), and a Growing Church (August).

We see this pattern of dedicated seasons of prayer during important points in the life of God’s people throughout the Bible. Who is sufficient for these things? No one, in themselves. But the Bible assures us, it is God’s grace alone that makes us sufficient to do the work the Lord has called us to do, as He empowers us with the indwelling Holy Spirit to advance the kingdom of Christ our Lord in Northwest Tampa, and beyond, to the glory of God our Father.

What To Expect

What To Expect

Each Month, We Will be Praying for Westtown in the Following Ways:


Throughout June we focused our prayers upon Westtown—A PCA Church. During July we focused our prayers upon Westtown—A Local Church. Now, in this last month of our Summer of Prayer, we will focus upon Westtown—A Growing Church.

Suggested Prayer Helps

Here’s just a few ways to stay committed and some encouragement to simply pray.

Pick a set daily time to pray2024-06-02T15:52:32-04:00

For example, decide right now whether you will pray 10-15 minutes a day this summer (a) upon rising or at breakfast, (b) time at your daily lunch break, (c) at dinner time, perhaps with your family, or (d) some other set time. Put the daily time reminder in your cell phone and on your calendar.

Covenant with a prayer partner2024-06-02T15:52:16-04:00

Prayer is the most natural thing for a Christian and, yet, the most difficult. It is natural because God is our Father and we are His children. It is the most difficult because we are so naturally and stubbornly self-sufficient. All Christians pray, but it is difficult to truly become a man or woman of prayer. Like the apostles at Gethsemane, it’s hard to stay awake in prayer, especially as a way of life! The reason for this is that prayer, as Paul Miller says, is “learned helplessness.” So pick a prayer partner (or perhaps two prayer partners) so you can encourage one another daily and begin this prayer journey by humbly and sincerely praying, “Lord, teach us to pray.” Let us learn anew our spiritual helplessness.

Make a commitment to pray, not to perfection2024-06-02T15:52:50-04:00

Don’t let perfection be the enemy of the good. Our prayers are happily received by God, not due to anything in us per se, but because we are praying as God’s children to our Father, who loves us deeply. And our prayers are powerful because we are spiritually united to the risen Lord Jesus Christ, who sits in Heaven constantly interceding for us and who sends His Spirit to help us in our weakness, including our weakness in prayer. Never forget, dear Christian, that we pray in Jesus’ name, not in our own name, and that means our prayers, for all their imperfections are, like incense, a sweet aroma to our heavenly Father. Our weak prayers are perfected through Christ by the Spirit unto our Father. So don’t just pray, but remember the gospel as you pray: you are praying in Christ’s name, that righteous man who makes our prayers effectual. And remember, this prayer guide is to be a help, not a ball and chain.

Understanding Fasting2024-06-02T15:53:38-04:00

Jesus said, not “if” but, “When you fast…” (Mt. 6:16). Remember, fasting is simply an aid to prayer, but an important and neglected aid in our modern Western world. If medically safe, you can fast one (or more) meal(s) per day and use it for a focused time of prayer. The early church fasted twice a week as a practice (Tuesdays and Fridays). If you can’t fast food, you can fast technology or, like Daniel, fast meats and wine (or certain drinks you typically like; e.g. sodas, coffee, etc.). Many fast by drinking only water, some drink only fruit juices, broths, or perhaps a simple protein drink instead of food. Fasting helps us feel our weakness and total dependency upon God. It frees that time up to spiritually feed on the presence of God through His Word and Spirit. It also provides an opportunity to use that money we otherwise would have used on food or drink to help feed the poor or increase one’s giving to their local church or kingdom cause in the community. It is an aid to dying to self and helps us learn to say “no” to our self-centered and unspiritual desires. The Christian life not only says “yes” to Jesus but “no” to worldliness—that is, worldly, sinful desires.

John Piper says, “The birthplace of Christian fasting is homesickness for God” and, “The greatest enemy of hunger for God is not poison but apple pie. It is not [merely] the banquet of the wicked that dulls our appetite for heaven, but endless nibbling at the table of the world. It is not [simply] the X-rated video, but the prime-time dribble of triviality we drink in every night. For all the ill that Satan can do, when God describes what keeps us from the banquet table of his love, it is a piece of land, a yoke of oxen, and a wife (Luke 14:18-20). The greatest adversary of love to God is not his enemies but his gifts. And the most deadly appetites are not the poison of evil, but for the simple pleasures of earth.” — John Piper, A Hunger for God: Desiring God through Fasting and Prayer

Read Each Prayer Devotional

Use the links below to catch up, or as a resource to help build a habit of prayer.

August: Praying for Westtown — a Growing Church

July: Praying for Westtown — a Local Church

June: Praying for Westtown — a PCA Church

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